Monday, February 11, 2008

Ce n'est pas mon nom

I'm not sure if there is predictability in "awkward yet funny" social situations within different professions. And yet, I must confess to liking the simultaneous embarressment and humor I feel when mispronouncing the names of certain scholars.

...I limped through French class in high school under the false assumption that, beyond ninth grade, my butchering of the language would have no repercussions. How was I to know that Foucault was only the beginning? But there is hope...

Now, I can comment on Baudrillard's simulacra without fear...or at least without the fear of mispronouncing his name. That goes for you too, Bourdieu.

I kind of liked being uncertain of my pronouciation. I think I'll stay with my C- version of French. And I'll get back to work...right after I click on Bourdieu again.