Thursday, August 23, 2007

First Day of School

My daughter had her first day of kindergarten a couple weeks ago. I videoed her response to the question "How are you feeling on your first day of school?" She said, "Uhhmmm....I'm a little nervous, but that's okay, because I'm going to try my best and just relax and have a good time!"

Apparently, you really can learn everything you need to know about life in kindergarten--or by listening to your kid as they prepare for kindergarten.

It's my first day at work for the semester--three meetings in a row. Typical academic menu of activities I suppose...

In the midst of all this, I just want to make note of two future posts/essays:
1) Thoughts on the Hollywoodization of Anthropology
2) The Cartouche, Amy Winehouse, and Bratz Dolls: A Commentary on Talismanic Identities

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